
Exhibition of next week

Nanna Manna

You've still got time to create some masterpiece out of doilies to participate in the exhibition hosted by the fabulous Liz Jones of Gleaners Inc We've seen doilies incorporated into craft and design a lot the past few years - from Pene Durston's beautiful magnolia project to the Lightly Perspex Rosie Bowl. It'll be interesting to see what my fellow doily lovers come up with.

Here is a sneak peek of my entry. There are actually 12 bowls in the series. I cant say they are groundbreaking, but they are very very pretty. I loved the slow process of making them. Don't know if my family did, hours of moulding, blow drying, moulding, blow drying, moulding, blowdrying then painting painting painting all on the kitchen bench. What do you think? Ramona

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