

je suis un knitwit

Last week my brother hit the jackpot while oppshopping in the country and found an original knitting nancy which he presented to me (along with a couple of other gems) for my belated birthday present. I love a little french knitting, and I have to say I was a demon with my original knitting nancy all those years ago.

Many a winter outfit and accessory for my beloved sindy - (the only bendable barbie alternative at the time with red hair and while the image above isn't actually my Sindy you get the picture) . So you can imagine I was very excited to whip open the box and get cracking.

Thankfully the inside box lid has a wealth of instructional information for the lapsed knitwit - however it looks a little more like you're giving nancy a labotomy rather than using her to create a masterful tube of neat stitches in Fig.3.

And just in case you feel your creativity waning the makers have very kindly provided an excellent mini fold out pamphlet of ideas... I'm absolutely loving that hankie holder in post war brittish green. Definately on the Christmas 2011 list.

Mind you I don't remember Nancy looking this grumpy back in the day... BECK


Ramona said...

right well I want some knitting nancy xmas decorations pronto please!

posie blogs Jennie McClelland said...

How totally cool. One of my children was taught French Knitting at school (Creative Clubs) a fortnight ago & has knitted up a storm. It's so much fun & she had the toilet roll & paddle pop stick creation to work with!! Love Posie
PS word verification is 'brain' so 'tu n'es knitwit pas' afterall!!

Lyndel said...

I am in love with French Knitting all over again, and have recently started to collect them.. have quite a few different ones, must get them out and take a photo for you next week. I dont think any of mine are THAT grumpy.

Mariann Monika said...

She sure does look grumpy!
Cheer up, Nancy!

(Though I'd be grumpy too if I had loopy wires on top of my head!)

crazyhaberdasher said...

Hi! I am a collector of knitting nancies, or you might call them spool knitters, old and new, handmade, recycled, and so on ....
I am the current moderator for Yahoo Spoolknitter group and Flickr group and also have a blog dedicated to these little characters - http://spoolknitter.blogspot.com - you can also find the links to the above groups there. I hope I might see you there - cheers, Maz in Oz