

paper rocks scissors

image James Eisen

CURTIN @ Seventh.
Curated by Johann Rashid and his lovely lady Andie Tham, two very well connected peeps on the local indie art scene. Apparently "when not studying film at RMIT, Joh makes film clips, and occasionally hosts tv shows too"... nice work if you can get it! This, his latest project is a free publication called “Curtin” loosely based around artists involved in melbourne's own Curtin House. This exhibition features work from all ten artists involved in the book, all of whom site sourced and found material as the starting point of itheir mage making and technical process. As usual perhaps there is the linking of themes and narratives through juxtaposed high and low brow imagery however this exhibition has promised fun, along with the insider analysis and "conscientious cropping collaging and re-approproptiation" of the found imagery of popular contemporary culture. And people, if the flyer and artists door list at Curtin House is anything to go by this  promises to be quite a treat.

28th April – 14th May at Seventh Gallery
55 Gertrude st, Fitzroy.

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