


So what did you all do over your Easter holiday? As you know I was a little craft crazed last week with my easter baskets/cards/place names/wrapping etc so I thought a nice break would do me good. Maybe go to the movies, read the paper, reply to the 300 emails sitting folornly in the intray. I made a fatal mistake on Saturday - I went to the Kaisercraft outlet in Geelong. See the blue signs hanging over the bins? 50% off! say no more...

I had to get the mega Sunday lunch out of the way but then I basically took over the dining table with my glue stick and scissors and went into what my family calls 'the craft coma' for 48 hrs. I even made other people cook dinner for me so I could keep going.

I made a little photo book of all of Thom's train adventures I wont bore you all with the inside of the book - suffice to say there are lots of photos of a kid with trains.

I made finally made last years xmas book. A memento that is meaningless to all but my family but is so much nicer than just a memory stick.

Speaking of xmas, ahem, I admit these are for under this years tree for a certain young miss. Beck made the great suggestion of adding hooks and days of the week tags which I love (order in the chaos!)

I also decoupaged some place mats, these are just for us at home. Tip for you: I learnt many years ago that the very best sealer for place mats, trivets and trays is furniture wax. It smells for about a week but then it dries rock hard and with a matte sheen that is lovely and seemingly impervious to heat and water, much better than estapol. So I guess this is my idea of a holiday. With three days of meetings and phone calls and quotes and interviews I'm glad I took some time for some super dork home stuff. Can't wait for next weekend! RAMONA


Georgie Love said...

I love that scrapbooking and decoupage have made the pages unashamedly here. Nanna craft for all!


yes well we are an equal opportunity organisation here at HML! The fact is that women particularly have been the social history keepers since forever. Scrapbooking has a long and venerable history and despite it's current profile it will outlive us all. You know the other thing we love about it. Its pure hobby. cant sell a scrapped page or card - very liberating to not have to think about potential markets.