Well what a hoot he is! Regular readers may recongise our owly friend as a gift recently purchased in sunny Queensland. I'm happy to report that the pattern for this excellent creation can be found in the seminal tome Killer Tea Cosies (and how to make them) by Annette Wallis.

Seems so odd that we found this very book in the cooking section of the hml library. Just as well, as a quick squizz on Amazon reveals this 1997 publication now has a tag of $69 US dollars on it!

It's enough to make the ladies of hml sit down with a nice pot of earl grey and a doozey of a cupcake (half missing by the time the photo was taken - no one is owning up, but we have 12 year old girl in for questioning who is known in these parts for dessert pinching).
Ps do you like the cup, saucer and plate? We found an entire four place dinner set in an op shop for 25 cents a piece. you don't come across bargains like that every day.
Yep, loving it all. Great book, great cosy, great cake, great cup, sauser and plate. I'm a bit of an Aussie Mingei collector too, particularly of the pottery variety. They're practically giving the stuff away!
I can scarcely believe my eyes, and am (almost)speechless with reverence.
But tell me, do you have 'Killer Slippers'? If you haven't, then I've just found the subject of my next blog post. Some choice cuts in there.
Again with the series thing! Didn't know my killer slippers had a cousin. Starting to wonder if maybe I'm a series....
That is some owl.
I know, he really is soon as i saw him I got a little pannicky and short of breath lest he not be available for purchase.
Shula what I can't believe is that there is a companion book to Ramona's 'Killer Cosy's'...and that you have a copy of it!That surely is less than six degrees of separation. Oh how I love a hand crafted house bound foot covering... I cannot wait for the next blog entry!
and Florence, i'm loving that we have a fellow collector of the aussie pottery in the ranks. Here
we have such op-shop classics as the bendigo, northcote and shepparton, but i'm wondering what the queensland equivalents are?
what i think is even more amazing is the you three lovely ladies were all sitting at the computer in front of hml in the same fifteen minute slot - ah the uniting force of blog/craft addicts - love it!
Killer Slippers? sounds like a great Ed Wood movie...
Collecting on a $2 budget, I have the happy fortune of living in Sandgate where we have four op-shops, one weekly and one monthly jumble sale and a second- hand/antique shop all with in skipping distance. I'm the regular hound for the pottery, my eye is becoming more selective as the years progress. Like all good collectors one starts out with a rough collection and gradually refines...I'm still refining however:)
I think The Wrecker might have a few hot op-shop tips too, for when travels out along the back tracks.
The killer Slippers sound marvelous too! I'm a slipper gal myself. I don't get around the house without my little chinese velvet and bead slippers (though, ragged and beholed that they are right now *sniff*) I'll have to pop over to Shula's and check out this book too.
Viva la blog craft :D
Ooh, I'd love to make that cozy. The book is selling for $150 US dollars on Amazon now so unless I can find the pattern elsewhere, I won't be adding this fellow to my tea cupboard.
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